The Role of BPKP to Encourage Private Parties in Eradicating Corruption

The Role of BPKP to Encourage Private Parties in Eradicating Corruption
By: Subroto

A. Introduction

According to the Corruption Eradication Commission's (
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi-KPK), Program Education and Community Services Coordinator, Roro Wide Sulistyowati, based on data from 2014-2017, the majority of perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption were private professions, namely 164 cases. While the second rank is official 148 cases and the third rank is DPR / DPRD as many as 129 cases. (5/10/2017).

 Furthermore, mayors, regents and deputy regents ranked next with a total of 60 cases, followed by official heads of 25 cases, governors as many as 17 cases, judges as many as 15 cases, commissioners 7 cases, ambassadors 4 cases and others as many as 81 cases. While the types of criminal acts of corruption that occur in Indonesia according to Roro Wide, there are seven forms, namely, loss of state money, bribery, embezzlement in office, fraudulent acts, conflicts of interest in procurement and gratification. In practice, he explained, criminal acts of corruption were carried out in cash transactions such as position-related bribery, bribery in procurement and licensing.

Meanwhile, the United States as a superpower is not a country that has been able to break away from corrupt practices. Corruption in the country occurs in all fields starting from the government or from the business sector or the private sector. All efforts have been made to suppress corruption in the country. One such effort is the collaboration between the government and the private sector.
If we look at it from the perspective of the perpetrators of corruption, corruption in the United States can be divided into two parts or sectors, namely the government sector and the private sector. Both can act individually or occur between them in corrupt practices.

Examples that we can see are politicians who accept bribes or gratuities from the private sector in the framework of the main capital of the campaign and instead the private party granting bribes or gratuities will accept previously agreed promises that are usually to "smooth" the business with shortcuts .

B. America's Efforts to Eradicate Corruption in the Private Sector

There are still many corruption cases in the United States, making the local government make various hard efforts in the context of eradicating corruption in the country. One of the efforts made is the establishment of cooperation between the government and the private sector in combating corruption.
With this collaboration, it is hoped that eradication of corruption in the country can be done effectively and cheaply. One form of cooperation undertaken is the involvement of the private sector in efforts to prevent corruption.

If we look at companies in that country. One of the efforts made is the establishment of cooperation between the government and the private sector in combating corruption.
With this collaboration, it is hoped that eradication of corruption in the country can be done effectively and cheaply. One form of cooperation undertaken is the involvement of the private sector in efforts to prevent corruption.

If we look at the corruption practices that occur, the involvement of these two parties - the government and the private sector - is inseparable. On the one hand entrepreneurs (the private sector) want their affairs to be smooth and fast, while on the other hand, public servants or state administrators are still constrained by low income and lack of integrity.

Thus, if the private sector can participate and engage in creating a healthy business climate by not carrying out dirty and corrupt practices or practices while carrying out its efforts it will withstand corruption from one side - the private sector - so as to suppress corrupt practices between the government and private. If we look at companies in the United States, there are many companies that have a special section that ensures their business runs according to the law and can prevent the occurrence of corrupt practices in the company.

The US government also allows these companies to crack down on employees who are involved in corruption. Instead, companies that are considered successful in preventing and detecting corruption will get incentives from the local government.

C. The Importance of the Role of Private Companies in Eradicating Corruption

The private sector is considered to have an important role in preventing corruption. That was said by KPK Chair Abraham Samad at the time, in a workshop entitled Strengthening Integrity through Partnerships between the Public and Private Sectors in Preventing Facilitation and Gratuity in Medan, North Sumatra (06/24/2013).

Abraham explained, the private sector, State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Civil Society Organizations (CSO), must apply the principles of good corporate governance.
In applying this principle, Abraham mentioned three crucial things. First is how the supervisor's responsibility not to instruct subordinates to commit corruption. Second, the responsibility of superiors not to allow subordinates to commit corruption, and thirdly how companies build corruption prevention systems by implementing internal control programs, making rules and codes of ethics.

With the implementation of these three things, it will create a clean, transparent and accountable business environment. If the three crucial things are not considered by the private sector and the practice of bribery continues to occur, then there will be unfair competition practices that will affect the economic aspects of a nation.

So far, bribery from the private sector to state administrators and civil servants has occurred due to the absence of regulations regarding facilitation payments. Only state administrators and civil servants already have rules regarding the prohibition of receiving gifts or promises as stated in Law 31/1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes.

D. The Role of the BPKP Encourages Private Sector Engagement in Eradicating Corruption

Since the era of President Jokowi, there have been very visible developments in various sectors throughout the country, especially in the infrastructure
sector. The development activities clearly require a small budget. Therefore the government cooperates with BUMN / D and private parties. As is known, the Financial and Development Supervision Agency (Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan - BPKP) has been active in carrying out various supervision activities for development as the President's auditors and many have collaborated with Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (Aparat Pengawasan Internal pemerintah – APIP) both in Ministries / Institutions (Kementerian/Lembaga) and the Regional Government. However, relating to cooperation with private or private internal auditors is constrained or limited by rules / policies.

At other times, recently the BPKP was invited to give a sharing session at the OECD event in Paris with the theme of the Auditors Alliance. The event was attended by supervisory organizations throughout the world and the BPKP was named or has been listed as a founding member in the Auditors Alliance. To follow up, the BPKP took the initiative to hold an informal meeting with several associations / communities of internal auditors outside the public sector. Then on May 25, 2018, BPKP invited all managers of the internal auditor association both the public and private sectors to initiate the idea of
​​a need to unite all internal auditors in Indonesia. Hopefully the existence of such a forum will enable each association to take opportunities positively in the form of cooperation or other activities.

Furthermore, it coincides with the 35th Anniversary of the BPKP on 30 May 2018 in a series of various events of the anniversary, association managers namely the Indonesian Oil and Gas Auditor Forum (FAMI), the Internal Bank Auditor Association (IAIB), Internal Control Unit Communication Forum (FK-SPI) , Indonesian
Government Internal Auditor Association (AAIPI), SPI FK Kopertis (Higher Education SPI), etc. They agreed to make a declaration forming the Alliance of Indonesian Internal Auditors, and appointed the BPKP as the Alliance Coordinator. The signing ceremony was held in the BPKP building hall and witnessed as well as giving direction by Pramono Anum as the Indonesian Cabinet Secretary.

E. Epilog

Through the Indonesian Internal Auditor Alliance forum, the BPKP as the
coordinator can encourage the role of the private sector in eradicating corruption. Action plans for the activities carried out include: socialization of anti-corruption programs, guidance and consultation on anti-corruption Fraud implementation programs or known Fraud Control Plans (FCP), providing legal consultations in case of corruption or alleged corruption in the company before being delegated to Law Enforcement Officials (Aparat Penegak Hukum- APH), etc. The involvement of the private sector will minimally eliminate the occurrence of corruption cases where the private sector is considered as one of the causes of the flourishing scent of corruption that occurred in Indonesia.

1. Rizky Amelia, Swasta Berperan Penting Dalam Pencegahan Korupsi, 24 Juni 2013,
2. Antara, Statistik KPK: Pelaku Korupsi Terbanyak dari Swasta, Disusul Pejabat dan DPR, 5/10/2017, Antara, Jakarta.
3. Ridhollah Muhammad Arie, Mahasiswa D-IV STAN: Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta Dalam Memberantas Korupsi di Amerika dan Indonesia, Jakarta, 2018.


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